The Brief: Find objects either take/ Borrow or buy from the top of steep hill. The objects can be taken out of  the environment in which they are from.

What do you think this means ?

With looking at this brief at the start I was think what could i create with using object that I can find around Lincoln up the famous steep hill. However with the looking for objects is it best to get them so that they are able to be related to each-other and that there is a structured narrative behind them.

with looking at photographers that have looked into the art of found object there have been some interesting and different outcomes. The first person within a workshop we looked at was called Marcel Duchamp. Who actually produce a piece which the object was a man’s urinal which was named ‘ Fountain’

Marcel Duchamp ‘Fountain’, 1917, replica 1964<br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
© Succession Marcel Duchamp/ADAGP, Paris and DACS, London 2015

TATE [(2015) [Fountain.jpg]. Available from,[accessed 01/12/2015]

This piece was to most of the audience it was seen by and odd object to have used. most men and women would look at this and understand where it came from but the question was why was it called fountain. For me I can understand the influence as if you where to put this into a side of a wall in an office or school building and add a tap  that it could be created into a fountain. For this there in a interesting with think that you can take a simple object and change it where you could link appropriation. For it to be a found object i think that it is a different way to go around it where other photographer would pick maybe a object from out side. Such as Irving Penn who did a photo of found objects with Cigarettes ends.

Another person i looked into was a artist called Damien Hirst who is very well known with his interesting and obscure object that he put up into his own exhibitions. With Damien Hirst he had the point of creating  glass boxes with part of animal inside. This shocked with the object in which he found a put into the glass cases.

The Exploitation of animals in modern conceptual art (Novemeber, 22,2010)[hirst1.jpg]. Available from[accessed 02/12/2015].


( If you lick on the image above it will become larger)

With in my travels up steep hill I found these items with one being a red jumper, a glass jar and an autumn leaf that had fallen off the tree.

For my piece of work I found that like wanted to create an image that was a symbol of the death of summer. For this time of year it is the time to get out all of the thick jumpers that you got from winter and to have the jars full of different spices and the leafs that are all over the floor and stick to the bottom of your shoes. Me personally wanted to bring the aspect of bring the object into a studio set up and do close up  so that i could disfigure the view to the viewer.

Through the editing time I brought out in each of the picture different colour aspects that where to link with the colour spectrum if autumn and that a viewer of the three images you instantly expect to see and understand that there was a connection through the meaning. Having the strong use of colour balance with increasing the balance on the red spectrum and the yellow and also increasing on the blue spectrum. as for example you can see on the right image of the leaf where you have a strong colour pallet of reds and blues within the leaf and the shadows that are being cast. where you have the dark red, crimson, red, salmon. Then having the dark blue, medium blue and the highlights to be the colour of royal blue. 

For taking the images I used a Cannon SLR 600D camera with the 18-55 mm lens with a UV filter. Also with the camera set up on a tripod so that I was able to get a still shot and that with the focus on the camera would be clear. The lighting of the objects I used a simple desk lamp. Which I either positioned in front of the object or behind the object at and angle. Which I did for the middle picture of the jar so that it could create a clear lite up background and so you could see the shine on the jar. This is hat I find was able to enhance the shape of the object and with the use of shadows.  


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